See your Pharmacist First

NHS Pharmacy First Scotland will allow community pharmacies to give people expert help for treating conditions such as sore throats, earache and cold sores, along with common clinical conditions such as urinary tract infections (UTI’s).

Help with symptoms at home

Smiling woman holding mug of tea

Sometimes the key to our recovery lies with us. For example, if you have a minor illness or a less serious injury, then self-care at home is the best option.

Symptom checker

NHS Inform has self-help guides. These guides use set of questions similar to those that your GP or a call handler from NHS 24 would ask to establish the seriousness of your health complaint. See some of the most common health complaint guides below:

There are also guides on common conditions such as abdominal pain, rashes, back ache, headaches and many more. Go to for help with minor illnesses.